Templar's Action Comics

Templar's Art => Samples => Topic started by: Templar on October 13, 2018, 03:48:57 PM

Title: Jan-Apr 2018 Samples
Post by: Templar on October 13, 2018, 03:48:57 PM
None of my art in 2018 ever really worked out.  None were finished and took spectacularly long times per page.  There was humbly some very good work in there but not much completion.
Title: Re: Jan-Apr 2018 Samples
Post by: Templar on October 13, 2018, 04:02:26 PM

Crane has been captured by the 'Tease And Torture Squad' a group of well known models and pornstars who have been recruited to tease and torture special prisoners! Crane must get free and kill the entire evil organization.

13 pencil drawn pages. 3 finished. Incomplete

I really enjoy this idea and I keep wanting to get back to it.

Title: Re: Jan-Apr 2018 Samples
Post by: Templar on October 13, 2018, 04:46:49 PM
Totally Spy Island
Totally Spy Island is a popular 'Survivor' style reality show populated with spies. Taryn is the token busty, bikini-clad hottie who may be bumping off a fair number of male contestants. Peyton, the most popular guy on the island has been sent to deal with the blonde situation..

3 Color. 12 pencil pages. Incomplete.

Title: Re: Jan-Apr 2018 Samples
Post by: Templar on October 13, 2018, 04:56:52 PM
Bikini Sentries
Savannah and Bunny, two gorgeous, busty HARPI agents are guarding Madame Menace's latest.WMD, the Virus! Normally Steele would infiltrate the base, kill these two sentries and destroy the serum but he is nowhere to be found. Enter Ben and Tasha, two young Time Cops who have entered to fix the time continuum.

Pencil. 24 Pages. 6 Finished. Incomplete.

Title: Re: Jan-Apr 2018 Samples
Post by: Templar on October 13, 2018, 05:11:32 PM
Miscellaneous Pics
62 random pics posted to my board. Blackhawk is 3 panels added to a WWII spy comic where the villainess has been changed into a buxom belly dancer who gets her comeuppance with a bullet in her navel.

Most pics are incomplete or just preliminary.