Templar's Action Comics
Templar's Art => AI - Art => Topic started by: Templar on October 05, 2023, 05:48:51 AM
I'm working on an AI version of Jennifer's Betrayal.
The Drawing:
The AI
I discovered that I really had to attach a LORA to each of the characters so that they won't change significantly as the story unfolds. This means that I"ll have to re-render the two scenes I've already created with the LORA I've chosen for Jennifer. Here are the first two pictures of the story.
I decided that we needed an establishing shot.
Lexi, operation leader, is providing some exposition before the action.
Ah... Jennifer's not only going to betray Cromwell, she's going to betray her boss, Lexi.
So the secretaries all decided to wear bikinis. I wonder if they discussed something else?
Hmmmm... Jennifer has an idea? I wonder what it is.
Next will be Cromwell explaining how he would shoot her, naming Steele as having a good idea.
I'm thinking a thigh up pic with them looking flirty at each other.
Jennifer's Betrayal! page 6 COMPLETED! Wow, how long would that have taken if it was drawn and colored with background!
I love this scenario where the sexy villainess is kind of getting off on her own death - even if she's playing the guy.
Mmmmmm.... They're still in their sexy roleplay and Jennifer has stripped down to nothing like a good HARPI girl, so she can properly seduce and betray agent Cromwell but will the noble agent be taken in by her evil yet beautiful body?
Oops, I guess it wasn't much of a role play, huh?
This may or may not happen later - I just like the pic!
More of the original art:
Rage pic. Showing knife. ---- Jenn attacking. Cr Scared -- "I know there's a knife here..." --- struggle --- Cr gets knife --- Faces looking at each other - sweating -- "almost..." shows knife at CR's throat -- "there" knife at Jen's navel -- Jenn determined "and with this final thrust..." -- Cr "You die." -- Show knfe in J's Nvl.