Templar's Action Comics
Templar's Art => Samples => Topic started by: Templar on October 09, 2018, 05:53:19 PM
Angel and Cherub slash their way through slutty evil in Sword of Justice.
Meg vs Domino
Sword of Justice vs The Unholy Sluts
Angel must fight a gang of "Unholy Sluts"! This is pure carnage where death is served up to 7 beautiful villainesses and 3 are taken captive.
51 pencil drawn pages
Sword of Justice vs Satan's Bimbos
Angel, Cherub and Meg combat a pack of vicious, scantily clad, biker sluts! Angel and Cherub are up to their asses in villainous tits and bellybuttons
30 2D computer colored pages
Sword of Justice vs The Elites!
In the final confrontation with the Elites; Meg, Cherub and Angel go down only to be rescued by their fanclub... "The Justice Teens!"
40 2D computer colored pages