Templar's Action Comics
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on: December 02, 2023, 06:48:39 AM

>  I was playing around with Jennifer's Betrayal and found a weird behavior in Stable Diffusion.  I cannot mention clothes without the character wearing the clothes.  Holding her discarded bikini.  Desk with blue bikini crumpbled up on top.  Each time she wears the bikini.  >

> By the way, I did stab her and put the pic at the end of the story so I could get to it via my phone.

> I had spent 2 hours trying to combine Cromwell and Jennifer - failing all the way.  If I continue - there probably won't be any touching between the two characters.

> I was looking into doing some of my '...over the edge' comics with SD but no luck so far.

> Oh yeah, I was thinking of just finishing one or some of what I was doing and moving that into a Gumroad for sale.  Patreon would require a lot of commitment from me while a Gumroad file can sit there making money while I work in R/L.   Meanwhile I can dedicate an hour a day to creating a new Gumroad file.

Now which do I keep doing?  Here's where clicks/hits would help.

Retro - where I make an AI comic based on a previous comic.  I hate to say it but most Necro/Snuff types just click to the kill and move on.  That's the way it was on SexyAmazons (I kept track of clicks) and BadHand would constantly mention it.  So do I just make death pics?... really boring but if it's what people want...

Zako Life:  Cute but suffers from the same issue as Retro.  Not sure how well it's liked at all.

Nakimori or whatever:  Constant action.  Probably keep.  Steele for navel shots, Seraph for multi-shot kills, Cross and Gunne for knives and arrows.  I'll have to stay on top of it to keep it interesting otherwise it devolves into the unimaginative - orcs are on the hill, kill the orcs, orcs are in the dungeon, kill the orcs.  Same problem with Total War below.  I already have several pics of Seraph shooting into a room and I'm getting ready to add a trio of teen, bikini assassins.

Total War:  Here is where I take the opposite approach to SD.  I let SD make the comics and I make the story surrounding what SD made.  I guess the word 'contrived' would make sense here.  Again, not sure how interesting this is and I'll have to stay on top of it to make sure it doesn't just devolve into KILL THE HARPI - SHE'S DEAD, KILL THE OTHER HARPI! etc  This is probably the easiest one.  I'm currently working with a Hentai model but it looks better with a RealCartoon model.  Problem is the Hentai one gives me more useful renders than the RealCartoon model.  Like RC rarely renders guns or death pics.  I do have two sets of pics done on this one.

12/3/2023  I know that no one's here - no reason to remind me.  I mean stats indicate 12 people a day but maybe that's only me.

I've been getting over Zako revusion and actually working on Jennifer's Betrayal - the latest pic looks really good.  I may post it here tonight to show what I've been doing.   So, yeah I might post here on a daily basis - say or show what I've been doing.  I really enjoy making stories - not just pics, stories, so it's hard for me to stay away.  Thing is, there are a lot of things I enjoy that I have to sacrifice to stay an adult who can pay his bills.  To balance this, I'll keep chugging away at my stories with no deadlines and forcing myself to only work for a set amount of time a day.  Ergo - why I'm not finishing Jennifer's Betrayal pg 7 until maybe tomorrow.

Posting to discord:  1)  The art should be finished.   2)  The art should be much smaller than the art I will be selling - maybe 512 px  vs 2048 px.  Maybe that's too big.  3)  Add a link to a place people can buy the bigger art.   Maybe I should only post one finished pic a week and what should I use as a link?  There is my original comics but I haven't put in AI and I only recently went to 2048 px so not much to see.  Okay, I think I have my strategy for now.  Just as an interesting aside, a 300 px image is annoying - it's big enough to see kind of what's going on but not really so it's good for thumbnailing paid content and also good for bothering viewers.  Still - 512 px feels like a give away - but one pic a week on a schedule should be okay.

Realize that you can respond to my messages but don't feel offended if I don't follow your directives.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2023, 05:23:05 AM by Templar »


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Reply #1 on: December 03, 2023, 06:20:21 PM
Jennifer 07 - g version

Wow, so much painting!   This is using a newer, more realistic engine and I thought it looked great!

Jennifer is naked now and taunting Cromwell that he has cornered her.  Cromwell thinking that this is just her way of flirting decides to tell her that she has won and seduced him.  Jennifer tells him to come closer, then she unsheaths a Harpi's Talon - (red, poisoned dagger) and attacks him - next episode.

This did take quite awhile.  Dialogue next which sometimes takes an hour in and of itself.

Originally he stabs her with a letter opener but I was thinking that he could grab her hand and re-divert the HARPI talon into her navel.  Problem is - wow, that might be a lot of work or just impossible to accomplish.  The letter opener or scissors or whatever might be easier but then we get stuck on the part where she's stabbed but not dead and when does he twist the blade.  The HARPI talon has a crystaline coating that dissoves in hot blood and does the following.... 1)  Death in 1-2 minutes,  2)  Attacks the diaphragm reducing his or her voice to a whisper.  3)  Causes immediate weakness where she can't pick up a gun or knife.  4)  Causes the victim to babble truth especially any truth she was concealing.  So if we use the HARPI talon, she'll be weak, reduced to a whisper, explain it all to Cromwell and obediently die in just a minute or so.  Yes it sounds like a Steele round.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2023, 06:30:41 PM by Templar »


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Reply #2 on: December 03, 2023, 10:07:40 PM
Jennifer does look much better.

Yeah, the actual wound \ weapons \ death are going to be complicated. Use extreme closeups? Not sure how similar the two are, but getting ChatGPT etc to produce short bursts of NSFW text is easier than a whole story, so maybe the same is true for pictures - a shocked face and a dagger in a sexy navel are easier when they're two separate closeups?


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Reply #3 on: December 04, 2023, 05:38:20 AM
Quote from: Drizzt
a shocked face and a dagger in a sexy navel are easier when they're two separate closeups?

Right it's like this scene from 'Totally Spy Island"

It seems like the upper two panels are possible either with AI or just plain photoshopped but the bottom one... not sure if AI can do it.

Which brings me to... Okay I worked on Jennifer 7 dialogue for an hour but it forecasts what's in the next picture so I have to experiment with what I actually can do before I post it.  I think this is what would murder a member site - my inexperience requiring me to do research before going into the next pic.

Nice to hear from you Drizzt.


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Reply #4 on: December 04, 2023, 10:33:21 PM
Ah SUCCESS!  Yes I did manage to put two characters together!  OH MY GOD IS IT A LOT OF WORK!  SD keeps wanting to change out the guy for a girl, assign ANY other color then the one assigned to the object and go on weird ass drunk benders about sticking high heels on Jason or changing Jennifer into a blonde!   I have it all written down and I hope I can recreate it.  As close as I got, I still had to cannibalize other images to make one 'good enough' image.

Thank you Stable Diffusion.  For some reason SD decided to help me out with my story by tearing a high heel off of Jennifer, sticking it on a desk and having her reach for it!  OH, THAT'S WHERE THE KNIFE IS LOCATED!  Or she can use the poisoned high heel as a weapon.  Either way, I can do the dialogue for #7 and have a place to go after that.


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Reply #5 on: December 05, 2023, 05:55:15 AM
Jennifer 07 FINALLY DONE!

Mmmmmm....  They're still in their sexy roleplay and  Jennifer has stripped down to nothing like a good HARPI girl, so she can properly seduce and betray agent Cromwell but will the noble agent be taken in by her evil yet beautiful body?

I was delusional for thinking that I could do a pic every day.  The text, formatting and finishing alone took an hour and a half!  I guess if I treated it like a regular job and put in 6-8 hours a day I might be able to post a pic a day.  I know that the early pics are easy so it gives me the illusion of 'hey this is easy, I can do a pic every day!'

I was going to shrink the picture to 512 but I couldn't read the text.  At 640 I could barely read the text.  I don't want to shrink the pic but I need to be able to offer something more to people who are kind enough to pay me.  Original pic is 1280 x 1400.  Only the new pics have larger resolutions because I could only work in like 512 x 768 until I started paying for membership.

Right now I'm getting up at 4 AM, eating breakfast and then JUST AI for a couple hours.  Yesterday, the WHOLE DAY was dedicated to AI as I learned how to put Cromwell and Jennifer together in SD.  Maybe I can paint a bunch of gotcha pics to post on the days I don't have a finished pic or should I just show the progress?  I do have a bunch of pretty hot pics from those experiments and I'm debating on whether to post them or not.

On to Zako Life where Kristy either improvises a weapon from Lily's desk or pulls a hidden knife - maybe from her shoe like Jennifer.  She could plunge the knife in, Lily realizes that it's a HARPI talon and starts babbling about how every secretary / receptionist / assistant in the building is an agent of Doctor 2Morrow.  The Talon is a red knife that acts like a Steele bullet, the knife is coated with a crystaline substance that dissolves in hot blood.  It causes instant weakness, partially paralyzes the diaphragm so she can only talk in a whisper, floods her system with a truth serum and then kills the subject after she's been babbling truth for about two minutes.  Of course 'slut response' where a Zako/badgirl gets horny after being penetrated might cause her to talk about that for a bit.


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Reply #6 on: December 12, 2023, 09:18:18 AM
This is very big.  It's a LOT of the not total realism Models.

I wanted 1 blonde in red bikini, a redhead in green bikini and a black-haired girl in a cyan (light bluish green) bikini.  They're supposed to be shooting through the door.  They're supposed to be angry and screaming.

Check to see which  models would not allow more than two characters.  I would say, check to see how many got the hair color to bikini colors right but they ALL got them horribly wrong.  This really makes putting together stories pretty challenging.

The big file below probably should be opened in another window/tab so you can view all the 512px images.  (right click)


« Last Edit: December 12, 2023, 09:26:31 AM by Templar »


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Reply #7 on: December 12, 2023, 10:40:43 AM
I just did some 'dead' pics of the TBAs and BLEH!  You can see where they purposefully vandalized the outcome with Cronenberg horror parts and scarecrow face.

Maybe there's a way to do this and then paint it but...


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Reply #8 on: December 12, 2023, 07:43:59 PM
Hi guys!  I've just been trying for days to get ANYTHING stable out of the ironically named 'Stable Diffusion'.  I want a blonde wearing a red bikini, a redhead wearing a green bikini and a black-haired girl wearing a blue bikini.  What do I get?  NOTHING like any of those prompts!  In fact on some models I see crowds starting to show up behind the girls, almost always 1 or 2 girls, not 3.  If it's 3 or more, the hair color is with few exceptions completely random so I could have 3 girls, 2 blondes and one redhead, duplicates, all sorts of random clothes show up and turn my negative prompts into a JC Penney catalog.  I managed to get some stability by placing all the prompts between two regular parenteses - you're supposed to use curly paraentheses to keep together different attributes for different people.  That worked for a little bit until it didn't.

Okay, I give up.  There is no way to get multiple people to obey the prompts you've posted so fuck it!  Hand me my Photoshop!

Here are three of the teen bikini assassins that Seraph is facing in the next Nakamura Towers Massacre.  Each was rendered separately and then painted into the same scene.  I hope you like it.


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Reply #9 on: December 13, 2023, 05:22:37 AM
Oops, I guess it wasn't much of a role play, huh?


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Reply #10 on: December 16, 2023, 05:31:16 AM
Alright it's time for Nakamura massacre and what I had scheduled was more of Steele and Magenta but I took a step back and thought, wow, that has got to get boring for a lot of you so I wanted to have a couple HARPI troopers stop by for a gun fight.

Two characters!  I've done two characters before!  I could create two characters BUT without exception the hair color is the ONLY difference I'm allowed.  The eye color, which I tied down to the hair color in the same set of parentheses is ALWAYS blue, never brown.  They LOOK exactly the same - they're clones.  So I used a celebrity mix for the two different girls and... again.. the face changes but it creates the mix and applies it to both characters.  What I have to do is make one character and then photoshop in the other.  In SD, if you make a larger area, it fills it with crazy shit and more clones!!  One expert actually said, smuggly, "Well it HAS to fill it with something."   Well yeah, background!  NOT crazy shit and clones!   So I'm still working on this - I guess I'll have to make two renders and Photoshop them together... this is NOT a viable program yet.  It really, really needs fixing.

Here's another time waster - it doesn't necessarily clothe her as directed AND it often ADDS clothes!  I would look through renders where ALL of the girls are wearing a full on shirt.  My negative prompts as I've said before look like a JC Penny catalog - jacket, shirt, belly shirt, half shirt, corset, leotard, bustiere, sweater, top, half top, one piece swimsuit... etc etc  and still they're wearing shirts over their bikini tops.

All of this complaining is necessary.  I'm not quitting but I'm REALLY frustrated.  I need to be able to understand SDs many weaknesses and find ways to work around them.  Maybe I'll be able to help another SD artist with his or her work. 

I imagine HARPI troopers as being bustier and older looking than TBAs - having taken their full dose of Bimbofication serum.  They wear all black and when AI allows it , they have thigh high boots, gloves and shrugs (that weird jacket that is only sleeves and a collar)  Here's an example but unfortunately multiple characters of the same gender are always clones - I'll have different looking characters later.

Alright, here are the Harpis I WILL use:

But how, how did I get them to look different?   I took a clue from this post.


What I did was combine 3 celebrities in each girl - note that none of them are Jeri Ryan.  (I thought the blonde looked a little like Jeri Ryan.

You CAN'T just use ANY 3 celebrities.  I had issues with Cameron Diaz, Kaley Cuoco, Winona Ryder and others.  In fact I had WAY more horrible monster girls than successes.  It took me quite a number of hours before I managed to get good combinations for these two.  Story later.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2023, 05:08:47 PM by Templar »


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Reply #11 on: December 20, 2023, 07:26:14 AM
Here's the latest Nakamura.  Notice that Magenta alludes to the Bikini Assassins posing as charity window washers like Kristy was talking about in Zako Life.


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Reply #12 on: December 22, 2023, 06:39:35 AM
Newest Total War pic.  Elise is still alive and acting as a forward scout for HARPI missile attacks

I thought I'd get this version out before I mess up her beautiful body with bullet wounds.  (Maybe tomorrow.)

Can I even try to make this Tranq Darts?  I should try.  I'll just keep the wounds and blood on their own layers.

I am installing a new version of Poser but it's going to take awhile

I"ve been giving it some throught and how can I use this topic so it's different from What's Going On?
I'll just post the pics with some context in 'What's Going On?" and I'll post all the technical stuff here.  Like...
I'm rendering larger files now so the smallest is like 1024 x 1536.  This pic is over 4K pixels wide and 1024 px tall.
I used an anime model for Elise and a western comic model for Trina which is maybe odd.  I've been using the western comic model for the good guys and anime for the bad girls - maybe I should choose.

« Last Edit: December 23, 2023, 07:12:34 AM by Templar »